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Can You Get A Teaching Degree 在线? 是的, And Why You Should.

教学可能是最有价值的职业道路之一——给你机会改变学生的生活,并为他们未来的成功奠定基础. 还有一个 large and growing teacher shortage in K–12 schools across the country. 

对于积极进取的个人来说,这是一个进入教学行业的独特机会. 有一个明显的需求,有资格的教师谁有广泛的课堂培训. Can an online teaching degree program deliver the skills you need to succeed? 


Are 在线 Teaching 度 Common?

在线 education degree programs are increasingly common. According to labor marketing analytics firm EMSI, 2012年至2019年, online education degree programs increased by 43%, while traditional in-person programs declined by nearly 33%. 

然而, 在线教育学士学位的普及并不意味着所有的课程都是平等的. 找一个有信誉的在线课程会让你为课堂教学的现实做好准备, which is crucial to your career success.

Here are 4 of the top ways to measure the quality of an online teaching degree program:

  • 认证: 地区认可的学院或大学符合高等教育的最高标准,并定期对课程进行评估, faculty and support services. 
  • 课程: Look for a curriculum that helps you put education theory into practice. 你想要扎实的教学理论基础,与21世纪的方法相平衡,帮助你利用新兴技术使你成为一名更强大的教师.
  • 领域经验: In-classroom experience is absolutely essential to succeeding as a teacher. 越早, 更常见的是, you can get into the classroom, shadow teachers and interact with students, the more prepared you’ll be. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行帮助你在第一学期进入课堂,并确保你在整个在线教育学位课程中有多个实习机会. 
  • Partner school network: Look for a college or university with a large network of partner schools. These programs can help you gain numerous teaching experiences, preparing you to be a successful teacher in diverse learning environments.




What Are The Advantages Of Earning A Teaching Degree 在线?  

An online teaching degree provides a unique experience that comes with many benefits. For working professionals looking to change careers, the flexibility of an online teaching degree program offers the ability to:

  • Earn your degree while balancing other priorities, such as current job demands, social life and family responsibilities.
  • Pursue a more affordable degree, as you can continue to earn your salary while paying for your teaching degree. 也, 许多高质量的在线教学学位比传统教学学位更实惠.
  • Take courses 100% online, 更容易安排和平衡面对面教学经验与课程作业的需求.
  • Get into the classroom earlier with top online teaching programs, like the education bachelor’s degrees offered at Franklin University, which get you in-classroom training in your first term.
  • Practice virtual communication skills, 在当今的教学环境中,虚拟或混合学习更为普遍,而哪些才是最重要的呢.
  • Benefit from more diverse points of view 当你与来自其他城市的学生学习和合作时,他们会从他们的学区带来独特的经验. 
  • Save time and money by avoiding hidden costs 比如通勤到学校,支付停车费,或者其他随着时间的推移而增加的小费用.

Do 在线 Teaching Degree 程序s Offer In-Classroom Teacher Training?

任何教学计划中最重要和最有影响力的方面之一是实地经验. 亲身体验课堂并与其他老师和学生互动将直接影响你作为一名教师的未来. 

If you’re considering an online teaching degree program, 你可能会问,如果你的学位是在网上获得的,你是如何获得这一关键经验的. 别担心, 顶级的在线教学学位提供了同样多的——如果不是更多的话——获得课堂经验的机会.

Here’s what you need to know about in-classroom teacher training as an online student:

  • 你应该找一个在线教学学位课程,提供与合作学校的课堂安排. Some online programs require you to find your own student teaching opportunities. This approach can really limit your opportunities. 它需要与当地学校建立联系——通常包括与你曾经就读的学校或你认识的老师联系. 拥有大型合作学校网络的项目可以在整个项目中为您提供多样化的经验和多个课堂实习.
  • 你应该找一个不收取学生实习额外费用的项目. Some colleges will charge a fee to place you in a school for your field experience. 通过找到合适的在线教学学位,可以避免这种隐藏的和不必要的成本.
  • You will need daytime availability. While your coursework is completed online around your schedule, you do need to be available during school hours to gain classroom experience. 寻找一个在线课程,在你如何获得现场经验的时间上保持灵活性. 例如, at Franklin University, you’re required to complete 32 in-classroom hours during a 16-week course. Hours are evaluated at the end of the semester, 让你可以灵活地与合作的老师一起工作,在你的时间表中安排时间,而不必限定每周的具体时间.
  • You need to plan for a semester of student teaching, which is an unpaid internship. You need to plan how you will be able to be in the classroom full time for 16 weeks. 学生教学在你的学位课程结束时完成,所以提前计划. 许多学生为了在教学期间维持自己的生活方式,会省下额外的钱,或者在下班后或周末打工.

What Should You Expect In Your 在线 Teaching Courses?

The other aspect of your online teaching degree is your coursework, which typically falls into two categories: teaching pedagogy and specific content areas. Teaching pedagogy focuses on the principles of education and methodologies for teaching, which is relevant regardless of the subject matter you teach. 如果你想教小学以上的课程(PK-5),具体的内容课程将集中在你的执照领域,比如数学或历史。.


  • 虚拟的讲座, which may be live lectures or pre-recorded lessons. 
  • 在线 meet sessions, where you have the opportunity to interact with instructors and fellow classmates.
  • Self-paced assignments, 可以从创建样本课程计划到通过课堂案例研究和场景进行工作.
  • Collaborative projects在这里,你和其他学生一起解决作业,并从彼此的经验中学习.

The best online teaching degree programs will use technology to their advantage, creating a supportive and engaging learning environment.

What to Avoid When Choosing an 在线 Teaching 程序

While online teaching degrees continue to grow in popularity, you need to be careful to ensure you’re making a smart investment in your future. 

Here are the top things to avoid:

  • 程序s that don’t offer free field experience and direct classroom placements.
  • 程序s that don’t offer multiple placements in different learning environments.
  • 程序s that don’t employ instructors with extensive in-classroom teaching experience.
  • 不符合你计划任教的州的特定执照要求的课程.
  • 程序s that don’t offer interview days with school districts that are hiring.

获得合适的在线教学学位不仅能满足成为一名教师的要求, it will prepare you to thrive in the classroom and stand out to potential employers.

Find the Right 程序 For Getting Your 在线 Teaching Degree 

If you’re ready to change your career and become a teacher, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供多种学士学位选择,帮助你实现你的职业目标. Compare all of Franklin’s education bachelor’s degree offerings, or explore specific programs, including the B.S. Adolescence to Young Adult (AYA) 教育, B.S. Intervention Specialist, B.S. Middle Childhood 教育 (MCE), B.S. Primary 教育 (PK-5)

Finding the Right In-Demand 教育 Career